Dear friends
So much of Pongal is behind us. Yesterday and today I had activities connected with Athithi ashram. Yesterday morning, sweet Pongal, the main symbol of the festival, was cooked everywhere. At 11 am, Arunachala came out of the mist, and the local women began to cook salty water on the fire in a ceramic pot, under the guidance of Matajee, then put rice into it, and cooked in half. Then the milk was added and we had a full pot at once. So he had to take off enough and in a moment the pot was full again. It reminded a little of a fairy tale. However, even a full pot of jagiri was added to the full pot with women - dried palm or cane juice, then cashew and almonds and, finally, ghee - clarified butter.
Meanwhile, Swami made the first ceremony for Sri Ramana, then the pongal was done, making a cane tripod - the second major symbol of Pongalu. Beneath it, a pot was placed in a specially prepared place, decorated with flowers, and a ceremony was made to the Sun, Sri Ramana, Arunachala, and a pot of pongal. Then we could have what we were cooking and enjoy this festive moment
In the evening we set out to prepare today's celebration, the day of cows. We have prepared for all cows a garland of cow's snacks and lemon that was there for health. In the morning I set out for Sri Ramana Ashram and during the morning morning singing, he painted the decoration of the Bull Nandin statue in the Shiva Temple ashram. Then, after breakfast, I went to the brahmin school where Athithi had 29 cows. Pongal was already finished in the pot and splitting himself on the cow and calf plates. The boys had inflated balloons, the cows were washed and began to dress with turmeric and red dye. The youngest calf was born a week ago and it was a bit terrified of masquerade and unusual care. The lady started to fry vadas - something like salted muffins. Everyone was tied to the neck of a garland of delicacies and flowers - they are also delicacies :-) They were all cheerful, the dogs surely and perhaps the bull called Arunachala, someone brave put on balloons and you gradually ominously cracked. Then the ceremony was composed of the Vedic singing and then the cow and calf worship. This year, the Lakshmi cow obtained from Ramanashram was selected but not a descendant of the famous Lakshmi, but a purebred sacred Indian cow imported from somewhere in Rajasthan. Her calf was called Nandin. Then we received the same sacred food as a cow, Swami found time to explain how the cows cleanse their energy by their natural essence, and that the best way to treat both mental illness and life is to live in one place with quiet and useful cows. Well, Arunachala came out of the haze again, home
When writing a message, I scooped up about half a meter of sugar cane, it is the same symbol as our Christmas tree, but the advantage is that this symbol can be eaten, the bark is peeled, the pulp is chewed and the juice is pulled and the rest spit. Great candy and good for teeth too.
Have a nice time !
Josef Fric