Dear friends
The first March of Pradakshina here under Arunachala was dignified and offered, besides many attractions, also insight behind the curtain of an illusion that conceals our perception of reality. The visions of this world are like those glasses that have been pilgrims deployed in the Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart from Commenius. Dropping the illusion curtain is not just a look at the world's pretensions, but an understanding of the true nature of being and beings.
However, let's return to the virtual report from the illusory world and its pictures. The first is a walking (at this moment sitting) banner promoting a meatless way of life. Another picture shows the crowd of pilgrims heading for the sun on the full moon. The verse 12 of the 15th chapter Bhagavadgita is very well suited:
That sun bright shining, the world totally illuminating,
even the Moon and the fire, know that the glow is Mine.
On the other pictures you can see the camphor and lamps with oil or butter and then the Moon rise. The pilgrims were well cared for, everyone could buy refreshments or get some blessing or spiritual souvenir out of the way around the Sacred Mountain, see the statues of solemnly decorated gods and saints and take pleasure and optimism into everyday life. It was possible to buy different patterns again. You see that even at midnight the crowd did not weaken and people circled around Arunachal - Shiva in great numbers. The penultimate snapshot shows that lemons have been unlucky this night, and last is the ceremony at Dakshinamurti, the silent form of Shiva's god sitting under the tree facing the south. Because it was Thursday, there was also a regular Thursday celebration of this interesting idol. When the Kumari sons of Brahmā sought wisdom, they first went to Vishnu, the God of the maintainer. When they got there, they saw a common household, a woman, children, and said how the highest wisdom can be here. So they decided to leave behind Shiva. Shiva saw it, and when he looked around, he saw family, wife, and children. So he decided to appear to the Kumaras on the way in the form of the Dakshinamurti, the quiet sage sitting under the tree face to the south. When the Kumari came to him, they were appalled by his appearance, and soon they knew the wisdom they were looking for.
Have a nice time and find what you are looking for !!!
Josef Fric